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A beautiful Sunday led to yard cleanup… which led to Scott needing to burn all of the pinestraw. And then, Scott lit my yard on fire.
Scott actually put out the fire before he confessed to me what happened. I was upstairs in the house working on other projects (revealing later this week) and heard him shout “I almost set the house on fire!” from the kitchen.
A few tips to not turn your home ablaze: actually, pretty much just one. See the above pic? Yeah, DO NOT DO THAT. Don’t push a giant dry pile of highly flammable pinestraw riiiiiiight up next to your fire pit.
I wonder if Allstate has a special category for boyfriend insurance.
Hahaha, poor thing! Im sure he was sooo upset :0)
LOL, poor guy. Although sometimes fire is great for the soil!? x
A little “relationship” advice from somebody about to celebrate their 30th anniversary. Be glad he does dumb things. He won't say anything when you total your THIRD car, or screw up the checking account, or do any of that other stuff you just can't help.
Haha, too funny Patti! Thanks for the tip. But I think that both of your examples are something he's more likely to do than me :) Just Scott's nature. I think we're going to go with giving the pinestraw away on Craigslist for a little while until I get over the whole “almost burned down my house” thing.