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Like hot, sweaty plumber’s crack kind of sucks… it’s that awful.I do my best to create a little game to get me motivated. I don’t have a proper name for it, but it’s something like “Let’s see how much of a mess I can make with just one tool.” It’s a bit long, but it’s a working title.
Anywho, the point is just that – pick one tool, and try to find out how many different things I can get done using just the one tool. This time, I used a set of strong clippers I borrowed from my boss.
I originally just thought I’d clear up a few of the low-hanging branches that tend to be a nuisance and hang in my face when I’m mowing the lawn. And then the yard looked lopsided, so I continued on through the front.
Then I dragged the branches to the back, and continued clipping along. That bamboo is the overgrowth from my neighbor’s yard. I am not responsible for it, but I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t mind if it disappeared (she already got rid of all the bamboo in her back yard).
And now, I have a giant pile of branches. You can probably also spot the bamboo that creeped over to the side of my house. I plan on taking care of that soon as well. Oh, and ignore the trash can please. The rain turned it over.
Eventually, I plan to clip the bushes on the side of the house down completely – it’s already been done to two of them, and they are already growing back new leaves (just a lot closer to the ground – which is much more manageable). In just under an hour, I created a pile of greens that I’ll drag over to the sinkhole and clear up this area. More coming soon (probably next week) about what I’d really like to do in this little void by the house.
What sort of games do you try to motivate you?