fall hydrangeas turning colors

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Football, fall, and pine straw: the things I can rely on when September rolls around. Also, my pretty blue hydrangeas bud one last time and bloom their last hues for the year.

blue mophead hydrangea

I’m really glad that the ones in the back yard are growing so well. It’s pretty much one of the very few things back there that are still green, considering how hard I’ve been working on adding fill dirt and leveling things out!

hydrangea flowers growing like crazy

Not all of them are growing in blue, however. Some of the lower buds have begun to turn to their fall coloring, and I am LOVING it.

fall hydrangeas turning colors

Summer has been kind of hard on my other plants this year, so it’s nice to see one thing still happy and healthy. I do think I’m going to have to trim this one back this year, though once the flowers are all finished blooming (for more tips on growing healthy hydrangeas, see this post).

fall hydrangeas spent and new buds

Still, there are signs of additional buds still left, so I’m looking forward to getting one last show.

hydrangea bud

Is anything blooming in your yard?

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  1. Habiscus, Black Eyed Susan, Coleus, Primrose, Hostas,
    and right next to my Hydrangea stem in an area the red cedar mulch is cleared is a fresh blooming batch of about 4 day old ( native wabbits ) which I must relocate as soon as their old enough but before Willie G. finds them. I’m so keeping him away from that area of the front. He’s a scent dog and natural born hunter and before I could get on top of it he took out 1 of the previous batches mom placed under straw n grass tucked in tight next to the electric pole in the front, I was able to relocate the rest. With a flower n produce garden, the furry little wascals are not wanted.

    1. Just a little bit of fertilizer every few months. I’ll throw some coffee grounds on there too if I want to help the blue coloring come out.