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I’m on the lookout for the perfect navy for the new study-o design. So far, my research has turned up six samples to try: Benjamin Moore’s Spellbound (1), Hudson Bay (2), Hale Navy (3) or Old Navy (4); Sherwin Williams Naval (5); and Behr’s Starless Night (6). I’ll have to of course test them out at home, but hopefully by keeping the initial color sampling down to six, I won’t feel overwhelmed with the options and can make an easy choice.

(By the way, if you’re trying to check out what real colors look like on real walls from other peoples’ homes, Pinterest is a great source, but you’ll have to search the actual brand and color name.)  Got any other tips that you would like to offer? Feel free in the comments.

In the meantime, I’m off to get samples!

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  1. Hey Sarah! Thanks for posting our Hale Navy guest room. We really love the color. It's a sophisticated navy with a touch of gray. I was worried we'd end up with something too blue. But I love it!

    Good luck with your room!

  2. hi! just found your blog through the search for hale navy pictures. we are painting (in 2 weeks!) and I've got it narrowed down to hale navy, van deusen blue, and down pour blue. did you decide on a blue?