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We have our first completed project in the Dueling DIY Challenge!


And guess what:  it’s not Kit or myself. Haha. We should be ashamed for coming up with this idea and then not being the first to finish. But I am so excited to share that Christine from Little House on the Corner did us proud. Her before & afters are amazing. Stunning, really. Here is what she started with:

And after a LOT of hard work, here’s her after:

I know, right? Wow. And I am just the tiniest bit jealous. But I have only myself to blame for not getting off my butt and knocking out a few of the more tiresome parts of my staircase makeover (the caulking and paint touch-ups, the underside of the handrail, and oh yeah – reattaching the other handrail to the wall). As for my staircase, it looks about the same as it did last week, only with more dirt, and a small rug thrown over the handrail in an attempt to visualize what the runner might look like up the stairs. (And yes, it’s one of the ones I considered last week.)  It’s not quite ready for the runner debut, but I’m hoping to get there soon.

But as for the rest of this week, I’m on the hunt. Ever since seeing a fantastic inspiration pic for my entryway, I’m on the lookout for a good salvage wood place here in Atlanta. If you know of one, let me know. I’m basically playing a scavenger hunt game in my own city. Only it’s less fun. Unless I find it… then it’s way, way cooler.

All rambling aside, you should definitely head over to Little House on the Corner and check out how disgusting her stairs looked between the carpet and the finished product. That’s right – I didn’t even show you the best (nastiest, paint-stripping) part. And while you’re at it, be sure to check out these other amazing DIYers who are hard at work on their own stair makeovers.

Seriously, getting off my butt now. I’ve effectively turned my own blog into a guilt trip to get something done. And it works.

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  1. Wow! Thank you so much! If it hadn’t have been for you and Kit our staircase would still be a long, long way of being anywhere near complete, so thank you so much for giving us the kick up the backside that we needed!
    You’re so close to completion now and I can’t wait to see your finished result! The feeling of finally finishing the project is amazing and well worth all of the hard work! Promise!

  2. I can not believe someone is finished. I am light years away! The Green Bean in Canton has some reclaimed wood. If you are feeling feisty, you could head north towards Dahlonega and “reclaim” your own wood (with permission of course!).

    1. Thanks for that tip! Their makeover looks so good, doesn’t it? It’s just the motivation I need to keep plugging away.

  3. Check out Material Shopper dot com for the Atlanta, GA area. It’s a free for all kind of like Craigslist but primarily for building materials. You never know what will be offered up