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I feel like I’m already running short on time as I type this, so I’m just going to cap today off with a roundup of photos to collectively spell out my past week (plus a little bit of a surprise if you haven’t already been looking at some of my other social accounts)…

First, you may have noticed from some Instagram tagging, but I went out of town for a couple of days to visit family in Wisconsin. I’ve lived in Atlanta nearly all my life, but I was born 40 minutes outside of Milwaukee and still have family in the area. One of my cousins got married over the weekend, and her flowers were minimalist and beautiful!

We also had a memorial service for my grandmother today. Some of you may remember my post about this a few months ago about her passing, and our trip back “home” prompted the planning of a service for the family to get together to give her a proper farewell. We all spent a lot of time reminiscing (with the understandable amount of grief thrown in for good measure), and overall, it was a peaceful and happy event. Then, like true Wisconsinites, we toured a brewery. Knowing her the way we did, Granny would have been pleased with our day.

Fresh hops smell AMAZING.

I’ve also eaten an unreasonable amount of cheese and butter toffee popcorn. I do not regret it.

Second: holy cow, you guys really want a smoke detector. When I go out of town, I typically use a phone app to help approve comments when I can’t get to a computer, and the damn thing has been malfunctioning for three straight days. Normally, that’s not a problem—unless you launch a giveaway just before getting on a plane, like I did. I logged in tonight and see that there are well over a hundred additional comments that I hadn’t yet approved! So, a couple of things:

  • Clearly, you guys are really digging this giveaway. Good to know, I’ll try to have more like this.
  • A handful of you caught my mistake of calling it “a CO2 detector” — which, for those who napped that day in science class, is carbon dioxide, aka the gas we EXHALE. Which is obviously incorrect and not what I really meant, as I meant carbon MONoxide or “CO”… except I made the mistake in the title of the post… which is what gets shared all over social media. And again, I didn’t check the comments for several days for obvious family reasons. Derp level: expert. I’m not even going to pretend that I won’t make a mistake like that again, because I do things like drink beer and then type. But hopefully you at least got a good laugh.
  • There are still a couple of days left to enter if you’d like to share the info with a friend, and my pal Jocie over at One Project Closer is running the same giveaway until the end of the week. So, if you want to increase your chances and double up entries, head over to her blog too and click on the entry widget.

Third, I’m working on the second installment of the laundry room makeover project recap that I began last week, except it’s super long (surprise!) and I don’t want to leave anything out. But hopefully I’ll have a little more down time starting tomorrow evening after yet another flight, which leads me to…

Fourth (and most awesome, IMO): as some of you have already spied, my shit-talking internet friend Kit, the “Black Feather Farm” DIY Diva,  has been painting her guest bedroom in prep for a visitor.

bedroom diy diva

Did you guess it’s for me? BECAUSE IT IS.

Despite the fact that we regularly do friend things like text about boys and chat over a beer and talk smack about who is going to paint a better staircase (coughcough me) and just about everything else, Kit and I have never actually met. And after five or so years of getting to know another human person, it seems like it was only fair that me being a single state away (which according to my flight itinerary is still at least one connecting flight, sheesh) was enough reason to finally visit. So I am. And I’m going to meet the nugs and the donkeys and ruin my shoes tromping around her farm and try not to get stung by bees. You know, farm stuff.

nugget black feather farm

Betting you a whole case of beer: it’s going to be pretty damn awesome.

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  1. I just read Kit’s latest entry. When I heard she was anticipating a guest, I went straight to your post.
    That is so cool that you are getting to meet Kit down on the farm. Enjoy your time together.

  2. A whirlwind week with another starting! Looking forward to virtually sharing time with you and Kit! No question you two will have a blast!

  3. Can’t wait to hear all about it ~ ~ I’m sure you girls will have lots to tell…. or not tell ;) Ha!! (found your blog thru Kit’s)

  4. Have fun at Black Feather Farm. I love reading both your’s and Kit’s blogs. My husband, a couple of friends and I all went to an event that both of you would probably have enjoyed, Brew in the Zoo. It is a giant beer tasting at our local zoo. There were something like 22 breweries that setup tables throughout the zoo and were serving over 100 craft brews. Then you wander around with your little plastic cup asking them to fill it up with your beer of choice. No where near enough time to try them all but it was an awesome time.

  5. is it weird that i’m totally excited for y’alls meet-up to finally happen?
    because I AM!
    i hope y’all have an absolute blast!

  6. So-I live in Milwaukee, and I’m guessing you were on the Lakefront Brewery tour (the only tour where you drink before, during and after!)?

  7. Hey Sarah,

    Yeah, just went over to Kit’s blog and saw the update about you two hanging out and doing DIY stuff – seems like both of you had plenty of fun,

    amazing flowers – really peaceful and minimalistic. I haven’t started out on Instagram yet – so you are going to be my first follow :)

    Thank you for letting us know about the giveaway – seems like am a bit late for it, as it has already ended … will be looking forward to the next one

    – Pakhi