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My Gerbera daisies are, for the most part, still relatively healthy. Out of the four I planted at the end of spring, only one croaked – like, overnight.
Cloudy day = not-so-bright foliage shots.

The other three blooms died, then grew back again.

I’m hoping I can keep it up, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. I think I just got lucky this time. But they used to be more colorful when they last bloomed – maybe I should use a different fertilizer?

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  1. They are adorable! I love Gerbera daisies, but they certainly don't love the heat here in Texas. A tip: If you know they just aren't going to make it, bring them in and water them sparingly. The leaves may die, but the plant will come back as soon as conditions are more favorable. I have some that are 3 years old at my house and that is what I do when it freezes over or gets to be 100+. They are still out at the moment, but I will probably bring them in next week.


  2. use the best fertilizer you can find and bring them inside on the cold days (or at least to the garage if you can't bring them in).

    Looking good missy!

  3. Thanks ladies! Great tips. I have ambitions to be a much better landscaper eventually – here's hoping my black thumb is just a learning curve.