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I am a moron.

I bought candy cane solar lights from Home Depot during the Black Friday sale; got a great deal on them and placed them in the yard early Saturday morning.

For days, Scott and I assumed that the solar lights weren’t working because it had been so dreary and wet outside. But after a bright sunny day yesterday, the lights still hadn’t come on by sundown.

What the heck? Would my great deal actually turn out to be cheap junk?

Nope, I’m just a moron and didn’t realize that there was an actual on/off switch for these things to work. Once I flipped them, the solar lights (which I also thought would just be white) started morphing into a color-changing light show.

Oops. Gah, Sarah. Total brain fart. Maybe the holidays are making me spacey. Has anything like this ever happened to you?

Happy Friday, have a great weekend!

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  1. Lol, yes. I think I do something like on a daily basis sometimes. I'm glad you figured it out :)

  2. Bahaha! Guess someone didn't read the instructions! :) Although I did know that solar lights have a switch, I really have brain farts all the time! At least they result in pretty good laughs… :)
