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For those of you who have read this blog for longer than five minutes, you’re already plenty aware of how much I skip around from project to project (even with the kitchen itself, I interrupted my progress to do a fall backyard makeover before turning back to the cabinetry). I guess skipping around, working on what interests me, is just the way I keep myself motivated. So it shouldn’t be too much of a surprise to find that as far as this blog’s posting schedule goes, I sometimes skip around in my timelines for the lengthier projects. When it comes to wanting to cover all of the details of my renovations versus wanting to show you how much progress has been made with before and after photos, my eagerness sometimes wins out. And then I find that I have to backtrack a little bit to cover some of the important, necessary, but maybe not as juicy posts in order to answer questions from “the good stuff”, like my progress reveal last week.

So, that’s how we wind up with this little video tour – clearly out of order from the previous reveal – since when it was originally filmed, the sink hole hadn’t been cut yet. During the week of my uncle’s visit, I found myself getting ready for a busy DIY day and expecting my family to arrive at the house. On a whim, I decided I’d take fifteen minutes to switch my car insurance to do a quick little video tour around the first floor of the house. It’s unedited. It’s shaky. I ramble. I show you all my clutter as the result of jumping from project to project (spoiler alert: everything in my house is shoved into a pile in the living room). But this is pretty much the first time I’ve ever put myself in front of the camera to let you see my tiny house, so I didn’t want to simply chuck it for the sake of a linear timeline for the blog.

If you’re brave enough (or just curious about how accurate I am when I say I’m awkward), press play and see the house for what it’s really like. In my opinion, it justifies the title of this post even more. There’s even a cameo of Charlie (well, mostly her butt, but the rest of her is somewhere in there too).


If the video isn’t displaying in the post, you can check it out here. For those that can’t watch at work, I’m still covering details in future posts, so you aren’t missing out too much if you decide to skip it. I just thought this might be fun for a change. Have a great weekend!

P.S. Some of you have been asking about my episodes on SheKnowsTV’s Homestretch, which haven’t yet premiered – they first said Nov. 1, then this week, but it seems like they’re still getting things ready, which is fine by me. They probably had a lot of editing to do working with a natural chatterbox like me. I just checked out the link and the episodes aren’t up yet, but I see my picture, Sandra’s, and a few glimpses of our before and after photos. Eeep! It’s both exciting and scary. I’ll be sure to tell you when the first episode is available to watch online, and there’s even a vote for who has the best room when all is said and done. I think the homeowner wins a gift card, so I’d love to make that happen for the awesome duo I worked with, Heidi and Jon. But much, MUCH more about all of that in a future post or two. Just wanted to fill you in with what I know!

P.P.S. I found this particular snippet from the video particularly amusing. I’m actually not dropping an f-word, if you can believe it.


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  1. Sarah,
    You are NOT awkward at all! You need a pep talk in the self-confidence area mam’! Look–you rock in so much that you do–your job, home, school, still finding time for friends and activities. You sound sweet and NORMAL on your video. Chin up young lady–you are woman (and yes, some may say Superwoman) hear you roar! OK, now who’s the odd one????

    1. Haha, thank you – I feel awkward in front of a video for sure. But in getting my MBA, I’ve been forced to present in front of audiences on a regular basis, so my confidence is growing!

  2. Sarah,
    You are a WICKED AWSOME TALENTED lady! (I’m from Boston and that’s the height of a compliment!). Both you and your home are adorable!
    Denise (old enough to be your Mom’s older sister lol)

  3. This is probably the best home tour video I have seen! I love how real you kept it! I know when I have projects going on in my home that I have piles upon piles of stuff thrown everywhere just like you do- nice to see that maybe I am a little normal :)

  4. You are a cinematic genius. Also, I want to see that kitchen! No pressure, for real. I’m just SO dang excited to see it all wood-treated and cabinet-doored. And that picture frame molding in the dining room?! I mean, WHAT?! I had read your post about it last week but just couldn’t *get* what it would be like in “person”. It makes that room SO classy, yet livable. LOVE it. :) Great work, friend! Miss you!

  5. No need to post but did you go to the TomorrowWorld festival near Atlanta? Just curious….

    1. No, isn’t that electronic music? Not really my type of music, but it looks like the folks who went had fun.

  6. I desperately want to come over and paint your dining room. Can I? I’ll bring my own brush. The molding is beautiful and pictures don’t really do it justice.

    I love how you actually show how chaotic your house is instead of trying to neaten it up for the camera. I don’t identify with the DIYers who are also neat and organized with magazine-perfect homes.

    Also, I want to steal your floors. I drool over them every time I see them peeking out at me in photos. What type are they and how are they holding up with the pup?

    1. You bring up a good post update idea :) They are holding up beautifully. Still love them after three years of wear and tear (and puppy toes). Charlie isn’t crazy about how slick they are (she slides), but soon I’ll put more rugs down for her when I’m finally no longer tracking so much dirt around with all the DIY.

  7. You rocked it! It takes guts to get out in front of the camera on video that I don’t have. It took me a year to get out front just for occasional still shots. Your video does show what living amongst DIY is all about, something they don’t feature much on TV when they finish the job in half an hour. Nice job!

  8. Thanks for sharing!

    I really enjoyed seeing this video! Many bloggers have quite a large house and I find it harder to relate to them. Also, dog is cute :D

    Love the kitchen so far!

  9. best. hometour. vid. EVERRrRRRrrrr you managed to sound normal and we can see all the progress you’ve been making real-time. LOVED IT! you rock!!

  10. Very cool. The video helped to put all of your projects in perspective and the narration was great. It won’t be long before you’re in front of real camera and lights and a crew. Oh wait, you’ve already done that too. I think you need your own show.

  11. You should be proud of all that you have done in your house. Amazing! And I have to say you have the most BEAUTIFUL skin! Lucky!

  12. The house is coming along nicely. That kitchen counter looks like its going to be beautiful. Cant wait to see it all done.