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Last week, I mentioned that I’d planted mums in the front garden. Remember how I predicted that they were probably white or yellow, based on the fact that they had no color yet?

Who guessed that I was right? (raises hand…)

FOOLS, all of you. Haven’t you learned that when it comes to green things, I don’t know what I’m doing?

Yep. I totally fail at this plant thing. Just when I think I’ve figured out how to garden, my garden will laugh in my face. Except i’m actually keeping these alive so far, so that’s still half right… right?

They’re all the same color, at least. I think I’d find it really weird if four of the five were this wine color, and one on the end was bright orange or something. Thank goodness I had enough sense to pick them all out from the same shelf at the store. They’ll blend nicely with the other reddish hues at the mailbox and front door though!

Have a great weekend!

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  1. Love the wine color! I have to admit, I always look for them with at least 1 open flower so I know what color or type they are. I actually was at BJ’s last night and they had huge ones that had 3 and 4 different colors in one pot. They’re awesome and I’m going back for a couple this weekend. Enjoy yours. I hope they come back in the spring for you too!

  2. Right Sarah, You can’t go wrong with wine colored mums and the color contrast in the two is what fall is all about. You must have bought theses as small plants…silly me and me so wrong in calling them mini-mums ha! I did many years ago plant a bunch small mums wine and orange mums in a area at a convenience store I manage and they did awesome, looked great and helped me win a a store beautification
    award. I have no green thumb-mums are hardy, easy and they jump out at you -really can’t go wrong with them. They will look great when all in full bloom.
    Have a great weekend…sooner boomer


  3. Hi Sarah! Those are gorgeous-looking mums. Can’t wait to see them bloom! Are you planning to bring them indoors?

    1. No, they’ll stay out there until the season ends. If they survive over winter, I’ll keep them in the same spot and possibly plant spring flowers around as an update.

  4. What spring flowers are you planning to plant around Sarah?

    I’d like to get into gardening and I think spring is the perfect time, maybe I’d plant some mums too. And I hope they’ll be as gorgeous yours :D