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What do this guy

And this guy

And me have in common? No, we’re not going for the joke that will make me give you the frozen oh-no-you-didn’t glare.

What I mean is, I add extra, totally made up syllables to words when I’m excited. Love becomes la-HOVE and  yes becomes ye-HESS and I can’t seem to stop myself. I still have the memory in college when two girls laughed hysterically at me when I called something BUH-zarre and continued to remind me of it at every party I saw them at thereafter.

It’s one of my quirks, and like you (I’m only guessing), I have many. But both of those words slipped through my lips when I saw this chair (featured in my What’s New Wednesday? post for March).

… And so continues the obsession with Turn-of-the-Century industrial items. First it was Edison bulbs with light cages, and now it’s wood-and-metal stools.

Here are a few of the others I am swooning SAH-woo-HOO-ning over:

What has you in a make-more-syllables kind of mood?

Psst – Haven’t had enough? Head over to Pinterest to see what else I’m inspired by lately.

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One Comment

  1. I love those stools. Although, I find the butt print in the second one odd :)