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Before this week, I didn’t know what burl wood was. I’ve even seen it as a desk when I was in Washington, D.C. last year for the Solar Decathlon. Despite it being love at first sight, I didn’t bother to actually find out its name.

Come to think of it, that’s not that far off from my love life in general over the last year.

Anywho, in case you’re still not 100% sure about this term, let me show you a few other examples of its sheer awesomeness:

You can find examples of this in finished form, with the wood’s unique grain swirl patterns as the focal point, or you can get a raw slab, complete with all of its knotty, gnarly ends. Another cool thing I learned is that burl wood is actually found in many different species (there are multiple online listings of walnut, oak, redwood, and maple burl). I personally like the raw form and would kill to have a coffee table with a big hunky chunk of this in the center of the room.

Source: google.com via Deanna on Pinterest

I like it especially when the wood is balanced out with industrial-style legs. What I don’t like is the price tag to get one the size I would need to build a table like this myself. So, despite my enamored state, I’ll have to love this burl-y guy from afar. For now.

How about you? Make any new discoveries of your own lately? Love to hear ’em.

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