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What seems like a very long time ago (even though it was less than a year), I’ve been dreaming about once again having a soothing, elegant bathroom. Kinda like the huge one I had in my one bedroom apartment.

Ever since I said goodbye to that spa-like space (changing of course for the three-bedroom-plus-cheaper-mortgage-payment home that we now live in), I’ve had this image of my bathroom’s potential:

I love the gray, I love the tile, I love the pink in contrast to the gray-green walls. I l-o-v-e the clean, airy-yet-cozy feeling. The only thing I’m not sure about? The gold. I think it really sets off that cabinet (blue-toned gray with yellow gold makes it pop), but I don’t think I can do gold fixtures. Too 90s, right? But in this bath, it looks updated and fresh. What are your thoughts?

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  1. Not a fan of the gold either – looks a little 90's builder fixtures to me. Love the rest of the bathroom though!

  2. Beautiful. I agree with you on the gold, but from what I've seen/heard, gold is coming back in! Right now it's all about mixing metals, but not so much, I think, in the cabinet handle department…


  3. I have heard that gold fixtures/hardware is coming back 'in' too, but I really think it depends on your personal taste, and the overall feel you are want for the room.

    Personally, our house is/was full of gold fixtures & hardware, and I cannot wait to get rid of them.

    I love the rest of this room though, so relaxing!

  4. I love that bathroom. In response to the gold hardware though, I can't handle gold fixtures. They look dated to me. I think if you put silver on the cabinets, it would look great against that color of blue-grey.

    when I did my bathroom renovation, I got a lot of great advice from charles and hudson's website. just a tip.

    can't wait to see your bathroom look this great!