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Five years ago today, I published my very first blog post.
It was a first of many… and wasn’t really all that kind to the previous owner… and I had a lot to learn about blogging. But what I also didn’t know at the time was how random and wonderful this journey would have been.
I took a little time to reflect today on my “blogiversary” — the significance of it, the simultaneous ridiculousness of it, and in between — and ultimately, all I could come out with was grateful.
When I started this blog, it was an honest-to-god way of preventing what had happened so many times before. Each time I went out to dinner with a friend, I would tell them a new house story. All of the cat fights, and found fingernails, and learning what to call bug shit, and everything. But I would forget which friend I told which story to, and that led to me being the annoying friend telling the same story twice. Or three times. So when one of these friends suggested that I simply tell them online, much like blogs that I had admired and was learning from already, I thought I’d give it a shot.
And now, five years later, I’ve gone beyond yellow ceilings:
And disgusting, seemingly random lessons I never really wanted to learn:
And it even led to a new job.
And in the end, I decided that all I really wanted to say was thank you.
Whenever I meet with a large group of other bloggers and “talk blog” — a rare, but necessary indulgence in an industry that always feels somewhat lacking in terms of legitimacy outside of the blog world — I hear a lot about stats, and growth, and revenue, and strategies for turning this passion into something that can be done full-time. And I support that thought. Passions should be pursued. And learned from. And allowed to flourish.
But one of the things I wish I heard more were stories about you guys. About one reader making an impact on a blogger, and how the conversation is changed from that point.
As a blogger, I hear a lot about “blogs are dying,” and “people don’t comment anymore,” and whatnot. But for me, I haven’t seen that happen as much. And I think it has a lot to do with you guys. I love it when you care, and even when you don’t. I consider this my little tiny corner of the internet to have a conversation, and much of that involves the necessary component of YOU being a part of it.
So, five years in, I just wanted to say my thanks. I may not make everyone happy. I may not always meet the expectations that come with the Pinterest world we live in. But that’s not always the point, and I love that I get to have this little tiny corner of mine to make others feel like there’s someone else out there experiencing this DIY chaos that we’re simultaneously going through. Yes, in fact, there is another person who had to learn that caulk needs a caulk gun. And yet somehow, with a little elbow grease, her kitchen went from this:
To this:
So, for what it’s worth: thank you. Thank you for reading along. Thank you for commenting. And thank you for all of the other shit that can’t be articulated when I’ve had two glasses of wine. ;) Cheers to five years!
Congrats on 5 years! I am not much of a commenter, but I do read all of your posts! ;)
A lovely post, happy five years!
I fall into the category of “Frequent reader who rarely comments” but your blog is one of my favorites of the bunch because of how genuine you come across in your writing (and your love of craft beer makes me feel like we would be real life friends. haha)
but Congrats on 5 years! Cheers!
They say you learn from your mistakes, I prefer to learn from other peoples mistakes.
Thanks for making mistakes!
I just recently found your blog from reading DIY Diva, and definitely love reading both of your guys blogs. I am a 31yo guy remodeling my house, and you both have given me so many ideas and inspiration that all I can say is thank you and keep doing what you do.
Happy Blogiversary! You make me laugh while I learn, that’s why I stick around!
Happy Blogiversary!! It is a weird little blog world, and I am certainly glad to have stumbled on your corner of it. Congrats on all of your success! Keep on keepin’ on! :-)
Thank YOU! I’m also a single woman who owns my own home, and I love the inspiration/motivation/entertainment that your blog provides. Happy 5 Year-iversary!
woo hoo! happy 5 years, I love following along. :)
Happy 5 years little ugly duckling!
Happy blogiversary! I’m still here and still get excited every time I get a notification of a new post! Keep up the great work.
Happy 5 year Blogiversary (that does not look right…let me go get a drink)! I read each post and laugh/sigh and try to leave a comment even if it’s just one word to let you know I’m paying attention! Great job!
NO way. 5 years already? I’m so proud of you… you are one fabulous woman. Now, let’s let July come and we can have a BEER! :)
Happy blogiversary! I love reading your posts and i hope you never stop. Wishing you much success in all of your future endeavors.
Happy 5th Blogiversary to you and Charlie!!!
Hey, Sarah, congrats on 5 years, that is quite the milestone! I enjoyed catching up with you this week and glad that you are continuing to blog and pursue your other writing career as well. There’s something for everyone in this online world!
Thanks, Rhoda! It was great seeing you too!
Happy blogiversary! I’ve been reading you for about three years. Homeowners need as many supportive voices as they can get, and I count you as one!
Happy 5 years!
More 5 to come! Waiting for you to come up with another crazy project :))
CHEERS! You have the beer and I’ll have a cookie. :) Catching up a bit. I don’t follow along with my blogs like I used to. I am a busy mama and I am doing an Instagram for my Etsy shop and an “Instablog”. It is great to see you still chugging along. Look forward to seeing what you have been up to.