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Last week I shared a couple of photos of a pretty yellow mystery flower blooming in my front yard, noting that there were a large number of buds nearby.

As predicted, they continued to bloom this week, and here are some more photos! I still don’t know what they are (so far guesses have been Jonquil or Daffodil), but I’m loving the added color in front of the house!


Also, Scott and I took a brief break this weekend to take poor neglected Colby to the park for some playtime with the Frisbee. Meet the 3rd (and most energetic) member of our household!

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  1. At least you have mystery flowers… all we found were mystery weeds. :)

    Your pup is so cute! Yesterday we took ours to Petco – I love how a trip somewhere, or a walk, just makes a dog's day! I wish I was that easy to please, lol! :)

    ~ Chelsea

  2. The new gray paint looks fabulous. Congratulations – your hard work is really paying off.

    Mark aka Scott's Dad

  3. What ya got there is the beautiful and tough Stella d'Oro daylily. I love the butter peach colour, and the leaves look nice all summer. You can divide them in the fall and have more! Knowing your flowers by name will make you feel like a total pro, like when you first said “vice grips” and “socket wrench”. If you haven't said those words yet, give them a try. People will think you are a genius.

  4. Jan,
    Thank you for stopping by and identifying these flowers! While I haven't said “vice grips” or “socket wrench” just yet, words like “joint compound” and “drywall tape” have escaped my lips on a number of occasions! Question: how does one “divide” plants? And I'm also glad these plants are tough… otherwise they would be no match for my black (brown?) thumbs.

  5. Yes, those are definitely daylilies. They do add a nice punch of color, don't they? Our neighbor gave us some last fall (because they multiply like crazy), and they are soooo easy to grow! We are going to have to divide ours this fall and spread them around (although I don't really know how to go about dividing them either).