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There is a comically large pile of dirt in my yard, and I’m reacting the way I usually do about any major DIY project: Cameron Diaz underpants dance.


I NEED TO CALM DOWN RIGHT NOW. I mean, it’s just a pile of fill dirt. A giant pile, but dirt nonetheless. It’s making me so damn happy.

giant pile of fill dirt 81 recycling
Dirt angels, anyone?

This dirt pile means that my back yard is finally (!!! all the exclamations) going to get some major overhauling. It also means that a life-size Tonka toy is going to be delivered soon to help me move this pile into place and grade things out. And a group of my friends will be coming over this weekend to watch it all go down, where we will possibly make crude jokes using phrases like “dirty hoe” (or whatever, it’s not like I’ve been writing them down on a list or anything). It’s going to be pretty great.

cartoon me on backhoe

Folks, I am literally moving the earth. I’m pretty sure that means I’m going to be obnoxious to all of my friends and speak in a loud, booming, blasphemous voice for a few days. It’s a good thing then that we’re also going to be videotaping a lot of it for my YouTube channel. I expect lots and lots of laughs… and free labor.

The dirt is here… the equipment is arriving soon… 811 has my utility lines marked off… and I’m ready to go. I’ll be keeping you posted on Facebook Live, Instagram stories, Snapchat, and maybe even Pokémon Go or whatever other of-the-moment social media frenzy suddenly decides to announce itself until the YouTube video recapping the whole thing is finished, as well as take tons of photos to share soon on the blog for how everything went down, what you need to know when doing this yourself, etc. At this point, I’m praying everything will go smoothly and that we will all have a good time while still making sure people don’t do something brainless, like ripping down my power lines. Wish me luck. ;)

Updated: Here are all 3 parts of this makeover!

leveling grading sinkhole backyard part 1



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  1. Ahhhhh! How exciting! You know you’re a home DIYer when you get excited about dirt. But good news, I can relate! :)

  2. Very exciting. I didn’t realize until this very moment how incredibly huge your head is.

  3. OMG Sarah! Looks like you hit pay dirt and will be knee deep in it this wknd. I’m sure you are excited about having a more leval back yard able to do more things with. I imagine you’ll be like a choreographer of dirt logistics but do get on the unit and move a little dirt, get some pics and film ~ easy to learn and so much fun ~ just remember proper PPE and excavate responsibly, and do keep an eye out for rare Pokemon…they are everywhere ;-)

  4. Awesome! Nothing like getting your hands dirty. Looking forward to seeing how it all shapes up! So what are ya doing with it all? You’re gonna make a BMX track? No, a go-kart track. Are you going to build a mountain so you can sit atop it with a glass of wine and look down upon your neighbourly plebs? :D

  5. It’s great to see someone get so excited over a big pile of dirt! I hope we’ll see step-by-step pictures of that pile getting smaller and smaller. :)

  6. Ok the Cameron Diaz, booty shaking had me rolling on the floor. The sad thing is I would be just as happy about having that amount of dirt piled up at my place too. I need some on one side of my home, but haven’t taken the steps to order it yet (yes I am lazy, and I know that once it arrives I have a lot of work to do, so easier to just ignore it). Congrats on getting it hauled, and and good luck spreading it out (you probably already have by now). Oh and both hands on the wheel young lady. :)

  7. Wow! I’ve never seen someone so excited over a big pile of dirt. Hahaha! :D Oh and I wanna ride that tractor loader too! So much goodness! :)