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Today is one of those kinds of crazy days where I’ve committed to doing six more things than is at all logical, so we’re just going to have a completely hodgepodge kind of post today to match. But somehow, as it does most of the time, things will get done.

Maybe not without a little more stress, but it will get done.

Even if I have to slap someone, it will get done.

And then I’ll have fried shrimp tacos, and all will be right with the world.


At least I finished putting in the last piece of tile in the kitchen last night. Which of course, wasn’t without its hiccups. For example, the light was already disappearing by the time I got home through traffic, so I simply had to jump right in. Wearing this:

I was pretty proud of myself for keeping my tights hole-less and my black dress relatively tile particle free. I got all my cuts complete and began tiling, which was going pretty smoothly. By 8:30pm, the sun was already down and I was about to install my very. last. tile (hooray!). When, through sheer whattheheck-ness, the tile just bounced up and off of the stove, then tumbled to the ground. I swear, I touched nothing, and the tile just up and committed some type of -cide that I’m not even sure how to define.

Which would be fine, if it weren’t a precisely-cut tile to fit into the final spot. Which meant getting out the tile saw again and probably annoying my neighbors once more. I love DIY, but the obvious stigma of being “that” house isn’t lost on me. I’m the noisy one that everyone wishes would just go to bed already.

But, like I said… it gets done. And I was finally finished. Time for grout this weekend!


I also stumbled onto this post yesterday and laughed my butt off; I too have seen those magazine articles showing off celebrity purse contents and couldn’t help but wonder, “why aren’t they showing what’s actually in her bag?”  If they were to look at mine, they would know that the purse of a DIY blogger might also include:

  • one 3 x 6″ white ceramic tile (from when I went to every tile supplier nearby to color match my original choice with the replacement)
  • 243 paint swatches that I always collect on every trip to the hardware store and will never wind up actually using (because they’re there, they’re free, and also simply pretty)
  • 3 wooden paint sticks (also because they are free; I’m hoarding them as though I’ll do something with them all in one great big project someday)
  • mail that I haven’t sorted through, including the latest furniture catalog teaser from West Elm
  • 6 home improvement store receipts (because it’s tax time, and that shit is important enough not to throw away, but not important enough to remove from my purse, which then gets promptly crumpled and a piece of gum stuck to)
  • a cabinet hinge
  • screws (because why put them in a logical place for safe keeping when they can just jab you in the finger when you dig for your change?)
  • business cards from the last blogger meet-up, including an entire stack of my own that are now getting damaged from floating around in my purse (great first impression, Sarah)
  • deodorant (I run around all day, it’s just basically the best spot for it if I forget in the morning)
  • 2 SD memory cards for my camera with the latest photos for posts
  • one camera strap

You know… totally normal. And not at all heavy.


Finally, I’m hopping on a plane on Saturday, bound for Scottsdale/Phoenix again. Looks like I’m doing another challenge with SheKnowsTV! This time, it’s a living room challenge, but I don’t think I’m allowed to share any other details for a little while. Be sure to check Instagram for the latest sneak peeks. And I’ll actually remember my SD card this time (hey hey! two in the purse already!) so that I can take lots of behind-the-scenes photos for a good recap.

Have a GREAT weekend!

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  1. I am saving paint chips too. Kristi @ Addicted 2 Decorating as two art projects using paint chips! We know they will atch:-)) and Yay! Free!

    PS, I live in the Phoenix area! Can I come cheer you on? Just send me a PM with the location, and I will so be there! Need an assistant? Someone to carry or transport your project purchases? I’m your gal! (a bit old, but I am up for it! Haha!)

  2. I made note of my purse contents one day, and the results were similar!

    The backsplash looks great!

    Have a nice trip!

  3. You might want to clean the screws out before you forget them and try to go through airport security. I don’t see that becoming a pleasant experience.

    1. Haha, I didn’t even take my purse as-is. Just extracted what I need. Better safe than sorry (or arrested!).

  4. I think you ladies have an advantage with the purse to carry all DIY stuff in. Us dudes tend to have it tucked in the nooks the and crannies of our vehicles and rolling around on the passenger floorboard.

    Have a great time in Arizona. We’re still having paradise weather.

  5. Congrats on another TV gig! That is awesome. Did I miss out on who won the last one between you and Sandra?
    Your chaos post is very entertaining. I had to do a little inventory of what one may find in my purse and it was fun. Having an Etsy shop and being a bit of a DIY’er I have had the fabric scraps, “need more” ribbon index card, a door hinge, a small tape measure, and the usual mom/woman items like the “help me!” orange whistle, my daughters allergy meds, my pharmacy for migraines, and of course the ziploc of coupons, of which more than half are expired, just in case I find time to fit in a “fun trip” to peruse a store for something I may need. Actually the post you directed us to had a side bar ad (or two) that got me laughing even more. You gotta love the t-shirt that reads “Your pants say YOGA, but your ass says McDonalds.” (This is my personal pet peeve.)Great post!

  6. Hi! I painted my unfinished cabinets I bought from Lowes with Rustoleum Cabinet Transformations (FYI, I didnt prime because the box said no priming though it said priming was recommended deep into the instruction manual. I called the support line and the lady on the phone said not priming was ok but I would probably end up using more base coat) and they turned out pretty nice. Question: I’m about to tile my back splash and wondered what you are using for support behind range for your tiles to sit on?

    1. I tacked up a piece of scrap wood with caulk adhesive & a few nails (shoot the nails in different angles to secure it a little more solidly to the wall). Be careful to avoid anything resting behind that wall (electrical, gas, etc). From that piece, you can then use spacers & tile up to the cabinets.

  7. Hah! We had a very similar tile-jumping onto the floor experience. That’s when husband decided his talents would be best utilized on a different project, and left me to my own devices. And a thousand times yes to the heavy purse. Although mine is mostly loaded down with to-do lists.

  8. It’s impressive you were able to do all of the tile without ruining your tights! The tile looks great and it must feel great to have done it all by yourself.