minimalist home must haves

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After a weekend in Milwaukee for a family wedding, I’ve been in bed with the flu. Since laying in bed all day only leads to my mental to-do list getting longer, I’ve been feeling stir-crazy (being sick in the very room you’re remodeling will do that to you). So, presto: a small list of things I think would be great for everyone still trying to make 2019 the year we get organized and minimalist.

15 Minimalist Home Must-Haves for Tidying Up in 2019

To me, the gateway to minimalism when you’re not that great at minimalism is to look for things that do double-duty or clear counter space. This allows you to remove multiple single-use items from your house and save space as much as possible. Buying things for one specific use can feel like more clutter, and leads to a larger Goodwill donation pile. I think these items all fit those criteria.

Double-Duty Products for Tidying Up and Getting Organized

minimalist home must haves

What’s your favorite double-duty item in your home?

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One Comment

  1. OMG this is great! Thank you so much for sharing this, will definitely purchase one of the things that you have shared here soon!