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Between an out-of-town wedding and the Super Bowl, this is all I managed to do in the DIY realm this weekend:

I patched the “oops” holes in the dog dish stand that Scott, our friend David, and I (yes, that’s three people) built a couple of weeks ago. Yeah… things are moving a bit slow on the DIY front lately.

No matter, though; you could always use a no-brainer tutorial, right? Or how about a play-by-play of what actually happens when I try to tackle something – in tutorial form? Here goes:

1. Remove both dog dishes. Grimace at the mess Colby makes. He’s lucky he’s cute.

2. Put the stand on top of the kitchen table workspace. Mostly because it’s convenient and there aren’t any food products on it anyway; though my neighbor would probably be puzzled if he saw me doing this. Chuckle at the thought of my neighbor thinking I have a dog tall enough to reach the food at this height. Or a horse. Be grateful that I don’t.

3. Wander into the garage after reminding myself what I’m trying to accomplish. Strain to reach the top shelf where Scott The Tall Wonder has chosen to put my tiny container of wood filler. Use one of his tap handles as a tool to move the container to the end of the shelf, then knock it off. Catch the jar without letting it hit the floor or hit me in the head; smile at my ingenuity.

4. Root around in the garage and kitchen for a quick and easy way to apply the wood filler to the stand. Seek out and fail at finding the following (in order of preference):  plastic knife; plastic spoon; plastic wrap (to hasten cleanup if I were to use my thumb to glob it on). Then find a tool much more tailored to this job:  wooden barbecue skewer.

5. Open container of wood filler. Stir with barbecue skewer. Apply liberally (as if it’s possible any other way with said tools) to the hole in the corner of the stand and the mysterious gouge in the middle.

6. Use skewer to scrape off excess. Note that the skewer actually was the right tool for the job. Interesting.

7. Go watch the Super Bowl at a friend’s house. Come back home, rummage through the garage again to find sandpaper. Use a fine grit to sand off any remaining excess from the hole patching.

8. Clean off the stand to get rid of general puppy messiness. Sand with fine grit sandpaper to clean off dirt and prep for paint and poly.

Done for now, but I’ll be back again soon with updates on how the stand ultimately looks in the kitchen. And no, this wasn’t really intended to be a tutorial on how to fill a hole. Too easy, I know. Plus, I’ve already written a tutorial on that. Hope you enjoyed a chuckle or two, though.

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