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As much as I would sometimes love to hang out in my painting clothes all day and work on the house, I eventually have to go to my actual job so my paycheck can keep the saw running. They are less keen on the whole “I slept in my painting t-shirt again” look in the office, so here are a few work-appropriate fashions I’ve had my eye on lately.

This outfit has comfort, style, and yet still won’t make me look ridiculous when I stop at Lowe’s to pick up a few more 2x4s (yes, even a trip to Lowe’s is a fashion thing if you want to be taken seriously – and trust me, platform heels do not say “I know my way around a conduit pipe, thankyouverymuch” – at least, not the way you’d want it to!):

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How about you? What are your go-to fall pieces when you’re not in painting clothes?


Psst:  Want more? I love to post sneak peeks on Facebook and Instagram. You can also find me on Hometalk and Twitter at uglyducklingDIY.

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  1. Love this look Sarah. You have a great eye for fashion. Please do more of these posts!!


  2. That's super cute! I need more cute work clothes…but it gets expensive to build up a professional wardrobe (decent college grad obviously!). My go to is tall brown fall boots with skinnies! They're my fave!