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We’re getting there…

There comes a point in remodeling a house where you can (or at least really really want to) remove the drop cloths and the dust masks and finally start thinking about textiles.

I need curtains, pillows, and area rugs. I need a duvet cover for the guest bedroom. But I can’t afford to spend a lot, which makes this a challenging endeavor.

All fabrics found at etsy

Where do you find the best deals for fabrics? Do you trust the gamble of shopping online where the colors may not match 100%, or do you find that in-store shopping is the only way to go? Do you have a secret source where you can find designer fabrics at a steal? Do tell, and feel free to post links (please!).

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  1. Hi, just found you from exploring the blogs. You & I could compete for the ugliest house award! You've done a great job so far! We also need to re-do everything: walls, floors, trim, doors, and a kitchen knock-out, too. Continued success!

  2. If I'm buying a lot of yardage (e.g. curtains or large upholstery), I like to see it in person in a store (or I will invest in ordering a swatch from an online merchant). If it's just a yard for a throw pillow, I will risk it sight-unseen.

    Jo-Ann and Hancock don't have the greatest selection of prints/patterns, but they are good for basic solids because they almost always have home dec 40-50% off (or you can use a coupon).

    Some good home dec stores in the Atlanta area are:
    * Lewis & Sheron
    * Fabric & Fringe Warehouse – not super cheap, but the selection is huge and good deals can be found, especially on remnants.
    * Whipstitch – not really home dec, but they have tons of cute, modern quilting cottons for throw pillows or accessories.

    Some of my favorite online stores (for home dec) are:
    * fabric.com (based in Marietta)
    * denverfabrics.com
    * fashionfabricsclub.com

    – Kelly in Sandy Springs