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I love garden stools. I’ve been seeing them everywhere lately:
West Elm

Most ceramic garden stools are hard to find for under $100. And when or if you do, the stool almost always looks like this.

I don’t know why I wanted one so badly, but it was almost a dare for me to find one in the right price range. Bonus if I could find one with a little extra personality. I’d heard of some coming through Joss & Main or from Homegoods, but I had no luck there (after six months of searching!). After an exhaustive search online, my hunt eventually brought me to Kirklands.

This diamond garden stool was not only under $80, but was also on discount! Shipping was available, but free if I picked up in store. Since the nearest store happened to be near campus, it was an easy task. And it now looks great in the house.

new garden stool

When I begin the back yard makeover, I might move the stool outside. But for now, I’m happy to use it as a little side table in the living room. How about you? Find any good online deals lately?

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  1. I have lots of patience! I'd love a garden stool and have been looking for one at an affordable price. You found a lovely one! I love that pattern. Gorgeous!

  2. I love the one you landed… I find myself examining them closely in stores, but most of them seem very Asian or something and wouldn't go with our 1936 cottage at all. Yours would! Congrats on a great deal!
