Disclosure: this post may contain affiliate links, which means I may make a commission if you decide to make a purchase through one of my links, at no cost to you.

When I went to the Haven Conference last week, I got a chance to visit the Frogtape booth and see a demonstration of what they put into their tape for their ever-useful paint-blocking technology. For newbie painters out there, Frogtape can be found at your local big box stores. I highly recommend it as an alternative to Scotch Blue – see my side by side comparison here.

The genius behind Frogtape’s edge over its competitors (tape pun!) starts as a grainy powder. But soon as you add water (for example, water-based latex paint)…

…it turns into a semi-solid gel! Of course, they won’t tell me exactly what it is that causes it to form an instant bond with paint, but this gel formed before I could even get an in-progress shot on my camera. I admit this won’t get everyone excited, but I love getting the inside scoop on how things really work.

That isn’t my hand poking at it – but you can bet I did the same when I got the opportunity (it felt a little spongey, like a stiff jello). You know I can’t resist a chance to play with DIY!

Frogtape also came in my swag bag. Even though I’ve learned to paint without painter’s tape over the years, I’m still glad to have a little on hand for use with more artsy DIY decor projects. Speaking of, I’m currently working on one for the study-o this week. What have you been up to?

Disclaimer:  All the Haven conference attendees received Frogtape as part of our swag bags, but I was not paid or additionally perk’d for posting about it today. I just have a thing for products that work and this demonstration intrigued my inner geek. The above link to “Frogtape” is an affiliate link, which means I get a small fraction if you were to purchase through my Amazon store. Hey, gotta keep the lights on, right?

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