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Internet, I love you. Sometimes, you just get me.

Happy Friday, everyone. This Zombiewall picture has made my week. And it is, without a doubt, going to be used in my garage in some way.

(I don’t really know what it is about zombie jokes, but I think they are hilarious. Even my mom think so.)

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  1. Nate and I saw that a couple weeks ago on Pinterest and he’s dying to have me make it for him! :D

  2. Bahahahaha, WANT!! This will be motivation for getting my garage cleaned up

  3. Wonder what the best way to do this is, so that it can be moved if we rearrange or need to clean or move hrrrm. Or be easy enough to remove and redo

    1. I don’t really like putting vinyl on walls, so I’ll probably do some type of sign instead. I think vinyl decals are supposed to be removable, though, if you’re thinking of going that route.

  4. love it! thanks for sharing it and hope you can pull out a few of these tools this weekend in a relaxing, calming way. enjoy! ~jb

  5. I really love it, I must use these storage hangers in my garage too. This will give lot of security for my children.

  6. Very hilarious! The first moment I saw the pic, I just laughed uncontrollably. Who would have thought that this kind of craze influenced by zombie series would occur. By the way, it’s really cute!

  7. You are an inspiration to DIY’rs, in all you do you manage to paint your toes, I’m impressed. I am a DYI to, and have many unfinished projects, including by toes. Thanks to your blog, I’m going to get busy. I’ll be checking your blog along the way. Good Work!