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I have more updates from the weekend’s yard work, but thought I’d give you guys a little of a breather and look at some pretty photos before getting back to the dirty mess that is my yard. My beautiful little sister is getting married, and despite the constant state of chaos that comes from a house that’s always in the middle of renovation, I decided to celebrate by throwing her a shower.

my sister and 2 of her bridesmaids
My sister and two of her bridesmaids

Here are just a few shots from her fun-filled day (with my work-in-progress in the background):

My sister and guests
My sister and guests
Tissue paper decorationsTissue paper decorations
Of course, I had to put a little DIY in there, like these yellow and silver tissue paper pom-poms. Martha Stewart’s site has a simple and easy tutorial if you want to make your own!
Water beads in a vase of flowers
The flower vases were filled with these little gel balls that kept the flowers fresh without water. They came from the dollar store and added a little more sunlight into the room.
And, speaking of flowers…
Beautiful purple and yellow flowersBeautiful purple and yellow flowers
Beautiful purple and yellow flowersBeautiful purple and yellow flowers
The tables were themed to match the bride-to-be’s wedding colors…
Stack of plates with yellow napkin
And plenty of food (way more than enough) was left out for the guests…
Food spread on table
But, as all parties do, it had to come to an end eventually. I liked the decorations though, so I left the pom-poms up over the weekend.
Empty dining room with pom poms hanging from light

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  1. Aw! What a great sister you are :0) It all looks so pretty…and YUMMY

  2. Beautiful! Looks like you all had fun!
    Thanks for linking up to Making It With Allie! I can't wait to see what you have for next week!

  3. Beautiful… looks like a very fun day! I love the tissue flowers. I recently made some for my daughter's bridal shower.
    thanks for linking up to ccc

  4. Congratulations on having enough sense to know a bride is more important than a not quite- but already lovely renovation. Just got back from my son's wedding cruise. Yellow must be this season's IT color.