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In continuation of the reverse order of the good, the bad, and the ugly, I’d like to share some photos of what the outside of our home looks like while we’re in the midst of kitchen flooring installation:

NOT garbage bags… this is actually the moisture barrier that goes under the floor!


With the garage inconveniently full of other existing projects, the best ventilation for cutting linoleum is directly in front of the house. Our neighbors love it.

Not the most flattering of photos, but not as horrifying as the linoleum stains on the old kitchen floor. The garage is packed full, the front garden (cough) is anything but, brown patches have overrun the yard, and sawdust is everywhere.

But, you know what that means… the good is coming tomorrow! Be sure to check back in… you won’t be disappointed!

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  1. Ah, terrorizing the neighbors with construction…I'm dying to see the “good” shots!