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I love it when pictures on Pinterest cause one of those holy-cow, lightbulb-sparking, embarrassing audible gasps of Aha! Why didn’t I think of that before?

If you don’t know what Pinterest is, please excuse my pointing and laughing (kidding – see here for info and you can email me if you want an invite). But today’s inspiration literally left me thinking I’ve got it – I know just what to do!

And for those of you thinking, this is what Sarah means by getting distracted and current projects entering the UPZ

well, psssh.

You’re so wrong.

Okay, maybe you’re not. But I really really want to make this table. Like yesterday. I’m chomping at the bit to have one of my own. I know exactly where it’s going, too: in the entryway. I can custom fit it to the wall next to the door, so it won’t interfere with the opening and closing of the entry closet.

I have no idea how I’m going to construct it just yet. This  project has a high fail probability. But I enjoy a challenge!

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  1. You will have to do a how to post because I love the look of that table and know exactly where I could use it.