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Despite having several beautiful inspiration photos for just about every room in my house, rarely do I love EVERY. SINGLE. THING. about what’s featured. I typically find myself thinking, Yes, I like this, but not that. I bet if I combined this photo with this photo and threw in a sprinkle or two of this one, I just might have it…

Except this photo.

When I stumbled on this photo, my inner voice did something it usually only does when seeing a beautiful pair of shoes (which is usually followed by a disappointing I-can’t-afford-that groan once I see the price tag):  my inner voice squealed. Like the Christmas when my little sister got her very first Mickey stuffed animal (“Bickeeee! Bickeeee!”). Loud enough in my head that I looked around to make sure I hadn’t actually done it for others to hear.

Ladies (and gentlemen, if there actually are any that read this blog):  my ultimate kitchen inspiration.

I love the wall color. I love the creaminess of the cabinets (it actually reminds me of mozzarella cheese – what’s more perfect for a kitchen than Italian cheese?). I love the center island, with its unfussy market-style baskets. I love how it looks like someone just asked the people preparing food in here to drop what they were doing, and would you mind stepping out for a sec so I can take a picture? I love the windowpane-style cabinet doors on the right side. I love the greenish-aqua color of the accents. I love it all!

Every now and then, I’ll catch myself staring at this picture again. And all I can think of is, I cannot wait to have a kitchen like this! Maybe if I give myself a beautiful kitchen, beautiful food can’t be far behind, right?

No, probably not. But a girl can dream.

(Want more? See my other inspiration photos here!)

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  1. Oh that is pretty! I can see why you would love everything about it. I really love white and cream too, and the rounded window is so fun. I hope you get your dream kitchen. :)

  2. Thanks Aimee! It's going to be one heck of a task, but with any luck, I'll be working toward my dream kitchne in no time!

  3. This inspiration practically mirrors exactly what I hope to achieve in our kitchen remodel –which is a daunting task at best.

    Loving your blog so far :)