Disclosure: this post may contain affiliate links, which means I may make a commission if you decide to make a purchase through one of my links, at no cost to you.
My wish list this year is very long. But, I’d have to admit, I’m usually not that easy to buy for. The number one reason: I seldom make a true list of things I want – and then hand the list to people.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m an OCD listmaker. Checklists, to-do lists, shopping lists, grocery lists — I even have a book about lists (cleverly titled The Great BIG Book of Lists… whoda thunk?). But when it comes to actually coming up with a wish list for Christmas, I’m pretty sure I’ve been flaking since middle school… and that’s a hard habit to break.
Sure, I want things, lots of things… I’m a new homeowner, for crying out loud. What don’t I want is probably a better question to ask me. But, here’s the rub: I’m a very picky person. So, rather than it just being a case of “I want new workout shoes”, I’m usually thinking “I want the Reebok RunTone Action running shoes in Gravel/Brazenberry, size 6 1/2” And let’s face it; no one has patience enough to remember all that.
As a result, I typically wind up with things under the tree that I don’t necessarily remember even mentioning. Like board games. Or a picture frame with an elephant and giraffe on it (huh?). It makes opening presents on Christmas Day really fun (tons of surprises), but doesn’t always necessarily translate to exactly what I had in mind. Does anyone else out there experience this?
On my ever-growing, ever-changing list of items I would really like in my house-with-no-storage-issues-so-I-can-have-it-all fantasy, I’ve now found a way to come up with an easy, solid list-making strategy: Amazon Wish Lists.
I know I’m late to the party on this one, but Amazon Lists are really convenient for an absent-minded Christmas lister like me. Not only can I create a wish list, but I can make it as specific as I want. I can even sub-categorize with different lists (home decor, tools, tools, and um… bigger tools). Each item on the list contains a hyperlink to make purchases easy, and just in case the description isn’t sufficient (or your boyfriend is more of a visual creature), a picture icon of the item appears as well. You can also add additional comments to the item, specify quantity, and rank from highest to lowest priority. Sa-weet! No confusion and no hand cramps from writing it all out.
For those of you who are thinking that it’s limited to Amazon.com and its affiliates only, think again. You can get a convenient Add-On for your Favorites bar that allows you to easily tag items to the list from whatever site you want. So, that towel collection from Target that matches the bath rug from Urban Outfitters are all accessible through one compiled site.
And let’s not forget that it’s not only convenient for you, but it’s convenient for your friends and family too. Like me, other members of my family are a little more tight-lipped than I’d like about what they want, so I could use a few hints too. How nice it would be if they created an easy-to-access list so I could pick something out that’s in my price range and something I know that they would enjoy.
So, consider doing yourself and others a favor this year. Spread the word that online wish lists are the way to go. Got any other awesome sites that create wish lists to add? Got any that are awesomer? I’d love to check them out.