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I’ve been eyeing my front door recently. Maybe it’s because I plan on opening it a lot for my very first year welcoming trick-or-treaters and have been busy spookifying the porch, or maybe it’s because I’d really like it to wow my future housewarming guests. At any rate, I can’t help but notice that it’s looking pretty blah against the tan walls and white trim.

So, now the question becomes… white? Which matches the trim (forgive my photoshop inabilities)…

Or black?

This doesn’t affect the outside of the door, which is painted red and will likely stay that way until we attack the exterior of the house with a scrub brush. With the new flooring in place, I can’t quite picture which one will look best. Help me, please!

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  1. My metal front door (windowless, just like yours) was previously done in a faux painted wood grain. Gag. I painted it white to match my formerly stained oak trim and it made such a difference in my small, dark entry. Go white!!