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Timing-wise, I guess my post from last week could have waited to today… considering today’s supposed to be about love and all.

In completely unrelated news, not a lot of time this week for DIY… I had an exam on Tuesday (I’m still pretty nervous about how I might have fared), and the usual back-to-back classes this weekend. And on Sunday, the family is getting together to celebrate my grandmother’s birthday.

Funny story… my grandmother (I call her Granny) was born on Valentine’s Day. At least, that’s what my great-grandmother always said. Only her birth certificate says the 15th. And that’s because, according to my great-grandmother, the doctor who delivered my Granny was drunk. All liquored up. Shit-housed. Schwasty-faced. That should be plenty of a story right there, but there’s more… when my grandmother had to get her social security card, she filled out all of the documentation… for the 16th. So, to recap, my grandmother gets to celebrate her birthday for three straight days like a damn diva, and no one knows the truth. It’s awesome.

Granny, 2010 – helping me tear down the guest bedroom wallpaper like a champ.

Oh, right – I mentioned something heart-related in the post title. And here it is:

As you can see, I’m clearly not as much of a drinker as I brag about. Most of these were acquired during stair painting sessions. I still have plenty more bottles to drink before I get enough caps to fill in the rest of the heart (and a few more interesting brands with worthy colorful/well-designed caps). I suppose I could have just bought them, but what’s the fun in that? It’s one of those projects that will look really neat when I’m finished and have added a proper background… I just have to collect more supplies [hiccup] .

Wishing you a very happy Valentine’s, whether you’re in a couple or not. And speaking of, I’ll be on Twitter later today sending out a little #allthesingleladies love, so be sure to say hi and I’ll tweet ya back.


Want more? I love to post sneak peeks on Facebook and Instagram. You can also find me on Hometalk and Twitter at uglyducklingDIY.

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  1. Happy birthday granny! Love the story of the three birthdays, it's so unique.
    I have a friend whose birthday is actually more than a month before her official birthday – she comes from a country where they had to travel to the registry and often combined that with other errands they had to run, don't ask me about the details. So when we were in a hotel and the people there lovingly decorated the breakfast table for her birthday, it was a bit weird because she had already celebrated her “real” birthday and didn't even quite remember her “official” birthday. Strange, right?

  2. It seems only two things make me come out of lurk-dom…beer and books; in this case beer. ;) I see two caps from my hometown up there – Bells! Kalamazoo, MI represent! I didn't realize Bells distribution went so far south. In a couple of months Oberon comes out. You NEED to add that one to your collection for two reasons: 1) It's a really good beer (it's what turned me on to beer way back when) and B)The cap is pretty cool-looking (blue with a bright orange sun).

    Beer talk aside, I love your blog. I'm a single mama with a tool addiction and a penchant for making a mess. Instead of a Charlie-helper, I have a 5-year-old Calista-helper who gets mad at me when I paint a room without her.

  3. You are too funny and the grandma story is a hoot. How sweet of your grandma helping you pull wallpaper. That is too dear! Sweet post for VDay–bottle caps included.

  4. Love it! My grandmother has a similar story. Apparently she was born close to midnight. Her birth certificate says November 1st, but she has celebrated on Halloween her whole life. Who knows? She is “Like a damn diva” too.. haha

  5. I second Alana up there. Oberon is amazing! And yes, it has a pretty sweet cap, too. Michigan love.