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My old vacuum cleaner has been replaced by…

Another old vacuum cleaner! The price? Fah-REE!

I appreciate the comments from my vacuum post on what kind I should get, and I am definitely going to take them into consideration once our new free one breaks, but when my parents said they had an old one that wasn’t being used, I couldn’t pass it up!

I’m so grateful I don’t have to dip into my “home renovation” money and turn it into “home appliance replacement” money. Plus, it’s got attachments for harder-to-reach places, which is an improvement over the old old one, which was missing everything except the pieces that were screwed in. And as an added bonus, the new old one works (which frankly is a crucial difference for me, but I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist).

While our new carpet sheds (I was told this would happen a little over the next couple of weeks), we will need to make small cleanups here and there, so lugging out the heavy vac for this may be a bit cumbersome. To give us the options of full vacuum versus shed control, I also purchased a Eureka 4-in-1 stick vacuum which should make quick cleanups a breeze. For only $19, this petite device detaches from the base for conversion into a hand vac in a snap. Cool, right?

I’m crossing my fingers that the hand-me-down vac combined with the small one gets us through the next few months. I would love to replace a few other appliances as well (like my ratty old washer and dryer), but until I get the rest of the house under control, they will have to do!

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  1. ha! you you got the one we recommended to you…i know you got it for free but im going to take it as a personnel compliment…wether it was or not. lol