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Our tree topper is… well, not really our style.

It’s cute, and I can reuse it elsewhere in future Christmases, but it’s just missing… something. Scott would rather see a more traditional topper, so we’re on the lookout for something a little more like this:

There are a ton of places where we can probably pick one up, but I’ll probably do what I’ve always done and hit up the stores for some after-Christmas savings. I got my tree skirt that way, and it saved me about $25. That kind of savings can really add up, so even if it means making do this year, I have a feeling we can find one that suits us perfectly for next.

And, speaking of things to be on the lookout for, I realized that we are now in need of Christmas stockings. Having lived in apartments until this year, it never dawned on me before. No mantel = no place to hang them = no stocking purchases.

These were found at the dollar store, where I’ve usually had some success at dressing up my $1 finds. Unfortunately, these actually look cheap. Not exactly the kind of thing you want front-and-center on the mantel (since it’s the focal point of the room).

Part of me thinks I could go out and find some nice fabric and sew it on top of the dollar store sock, making the current stocking into the lining of the new & improved version. I could even make it no-sew and just use hem tape or fabric glue. If that doesn’t work, it will go on the Christmas clearance shopping list along with the star. What sort of items will be on your after-Christmas decor list? Are you on the lookout for specific tree and mantel-related items like me, or do you keep your options open for the slim post-holiday pickings?

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  1. Target currently have some inexpensive stockings that are decent quality – although I'm sure they'll be on sale after Christmas – it just finding any left!!

  2. I picked up a cable knit white stocking, fully lined, at Joanns over the weekend for 70% off, which came out to around $7.50. And they had tons!

  3. Meant to say that I have that exact star on our tree – Crate and Barrel, but I think you knew that! I will start looking for one for you!