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It’s December!

As I mentioned when I first picked out the house’s color scheme, I have been planning on turning the Ugg-Duck into a gingerbread house for the holiday season. We’re talking gumdrops, peppermints, gingerbread men, the works.


The decision to go the candy route is going to be instead of the lights that I had on the house last year. Since  strapping fake gumdrops onto a window is easier to reach on a ladder and less risky than climbing onto the highest point on the roof, this is not only a fun alternative, but a safer one.

Unlike a normal gingerbread house, it will probably take me several weeks to get everything in place. Even if it didn’t, there are still so many components planned that it would take a 3,000-word post to capture everything (which I would lost steam on writing after the 10th 7th 5th paragraph). So instead, I’m going to break up my projects into separate posts and give you plenty of sugary goodness along the way.

Part 1:  Creating a gumdrop border around the front door
Part 2:  Making gumdrops for the front lawn and windows
Part 3:  Ginger-izing Charlie and myself (it’s kind of like Simpsonizing, but in a gingerbread way, not a redhead with freckles way)
Part 4:  Using dollar store items to make more candies for the yard
Part 5:  Putting it all together
Part 6:  (Time permitting) Mini Ugg-Duck (yes, a real gingerbread house that looks just like the big one!)
Part 7:  Extras???

We’ve got a lot to cover this month, so stick around!

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