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I got Charlie when she was less than 10 weeks old. The label on her crate said she was born in late April or early May, but since it was so close to my birthday, I choose to celebrate them together. After all, it’s a family tradition:  I was born on my Dad’s 30th. And now, it’s mine.


I’m planning on celebrating turning the big 3-0 with some friends tonight at dinner, a weekend at the beach, and going out with family later next week.



So, here’s to three happy birthdays… one covered in fur (and to be honest, I’m not that far off after a good playtime with her). I’m pretty sure we’ll all get ice cream to celebrate.


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  1. Happy Birthday to you, Charlie and your Dad! I hope you guys have the most relaxing day and get some super tasty ice cream :)

  2. Happy B-day to both of you! Ahh…to be young again….have a great time with friends and family.

  3. Happy Birthday!

    Remember, 30 is just another number. As you get older, age becomes less important. How you enjoy life on a daily basis is what really counts. Enjoy your beach birthday time.

  4. Happy Birthday to all 3 of you! My German Shepherd’s birthday was Tuesday. He got a Frosty Paws ice cream cup. He loved it!

  5. Happy birthday to the three of you! I have a few days in September that will be busy: my dad on the 28th, my niece on the 29th, and my fiancé on the 30th. Have fun!