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So, how did I do with my to do list over the weekend?
  • Take Charlie to the park Colby came for a visit, so they had playtime instead – exercise is exercise!
  • Clean the living room floor and lay out the new rug
  • Skim coat the pantry wall
  • Measure the bathroom floor again for new tile
  • Look into this stuff for the tile installation
  • Finally un-box the vanities that have been sitting in the garage (while this wasn’t done, it wasn’t really essential to the weekend’s needs anyway)
  • Finish up trim work on the exterior stoop area (I finished in the evening as the sun was setting, so more than likely there are still a few touch-up spots to get to but otherwise I’ve made great progress).
  • Scrub the cement slab in prep for paint (ugh – cleaning! That’s a no. But I did get the paint for the stoop mixed.
  • Test out paint color on front door (!)
  • Spray paint the wreath form and dollar store pumpkins for some fun holiday crafts (this is as done as I could manage; my spray paint didn’t last as long as the need for it did)

Well, I knew I may not get it all done in one day, but I definitely think I made great strides to get them all finished. Sharing my to-do list last Sunday seems to have worked wonders to spur my determination and get things done. For the first time in a long time, not only did I wake up at a decent hour, but then I also got out of bed to do the things I’d said I was going to.

Whoda thunk? All I needed for motivation to drag my lazy Sunday butt out of my lazy Sunday bed was to risk embarrassing myself by not having followed through on a single thing by Monday morning. I’m going to try it again this coming weekend to see if it sticks – so expect another Sunday post like this one to get my DIY energy up.

Since all of these to-dos were skipping around the house in various places, they all need finishing before any of them can be part of a reveal. But, I’m happy to share a quick peek at something I am quite excited about.

And yes, I’m talking about Charlie’s new football toy. Kidding.

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  1. I'm right there with you Sarah, my list keeps getting longer and longer. It seems that nothing is getting accomplished. Really I think I just keep adding more to my list than I finish. This weekend my main goal is to get some drywall patching and painting done. Sounds easy right!:)