charlie - sleeping puppy

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For the last few weeks, the number of folks living in the UDH has been reduced to just me. It’s been a little lonely and my work schedule has made getting home more of a chore than something I look forward to doing (a looming to-do list has never been something I’ve been thrilled about greeting in the door). Now, I have a little something to be more cheerful about when I come home. Meet the newest duckling — Charlie Bug!

“Bug” is her middle name. I like animals that have middle names. Colby’s was “Like The Cheese” — as in, “Colby Like The Cheese [last name]”. So funny! Once, I met a basset hound named Basilfred Handlebars. I still giggle thinking about it.

My mother and sister have been anxiously waiting for me to go to the Atlanta Humane Society, and this weekend, I finally did it. I wound up going on Saturday and looked at three puppies, which you may have noticed posted to my Facebook page. Unsure about each of them (what was known about their breed mixes, activity levels, disposition), I returned on Sunday to make my decision. I hadn’t even noticed this sweet girl until I saw another couple holding her (isn’t that just like me, to narrow it down to three options, then choose something else completely different?). When they returned her to her cage to look at another puppy, I took a look at her.

Her original name was Koala. She was a little bit smaller than the other puppies I’d been looking at, but I knew she’d still probably grow into a large dog (I didn’t want a little yapper after having sweet-natured and fun-loving Colby). Some brief paperwork later, and she was mine. Bringing her to the car, she was a little sleepy and dazed, so I waited patiently while she figured out where on my lap she wanted to sit. I didn’t like her given name, so I called her by a new one — Charlie — and she immediately looked up and into my eyes, as if recognizing it. Done.

For your viewing pleasure, copious amounts of photos of my adorable new family member, taken her first day as part of her new family. She is a bit clumsy and playful, so I was forced to use my flash since she moved around too much for my camera settings:

So far, what I know about her history is as follows: she’s a rescue, around two months old, a retriever mix of some kind (AHS couldn’t tell me any more about her), and has a very thin body (her ribcage is very distinct, though I was told she eats twice daily).

She’s also stubborn (not a fan of leashes just yet, but she did better this morning), a fast learner (observes everything I do), and a sweet little cuddle bug who is already very attached to her new mom. She follows me around from room to room. And she likes Cheerios. And TV.

I’m not sure what’s going on with her yet as far as her teary eyes go. A bath helped (which she hated), but I will find out more on her vet checkup. I suspect allergies.

She’s apparently a fan of reruns of Jon & Kate Plus 8. She took eight photos in a row staring at the television.

As I left for work the first morning, she made it through the night without getting into trouble. It’s when I put her down off the bed that she promptly looked me square in the face… and peed right on the carpet. All I can say is, I’m now grateful for Scotchgard.

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  1. I love your new puppy she is so cute. I am sure it will be nice to have some company at home. Cute name too!

  2. You have earned wings and a halo for rescuing a pound puppy. Thank you! She looks adorable, and I hope you have many happy years together.

  3. Oh my goodness, she's adorable! Don't worry about the teary eyes. Our pup's fur was all stained around her eyes until she was about 6 months because of a leaky eye. I think it's normal? Either way, it stopped and now she has beautiful dry eyes and clean fur.

    Have fun with your darling puppy!

  4. Nette, I'm suspecting allergies because she also chews on her back feet when she comes inside from doing her business. No rashes on her little tummy, and I've already Googled that chewing on feet for puppies is relatively normal too. I'm hoping it's not allergies, because it will be difficult to have a dog that is allergic to the outdoors :) Crossing my fingers.

  5. She's adorable! So happy to hear that you adopted her from the Humane Society – that's where we got Barley, too. They didn't have much history on him, either (besides that he was at a kill shelter and scheduled to be put down before he was transferred to the Humane Society – thank goodness!), but we still have fun imagining his history to this day. :) Congrats on your new family member! She'll be your best friend for life.


  6. PS – If she does have allergies, it might be as simple as allergy eye drops or giving her Claritin once a day. Crossing my fingers that it's an easy (and cheap) fix for ya!

  7. Holy goodness, she is ADORABLE! I love her already and can't wait to see pictures of her growing!

  8. WHAT A LOVER! How sweet, and I am so glad you two found each other! For the record, the grass makes Doo chew on his feet, too. Vet lets me give him benadryl tabs from time to time (1 tab for each 25lbs). soooo cute and we must meet in person!!

  9. How cute! I'm a big sucker for rescue dogs ever since I got my own last year. Greta took to her new name right away, just like your Charlie.

    About the eyes, Greta has KCS (keraconjunctivitis sicca), which is basically dry eye. I have to give her eye drops daily, but otherwise it's an easy care thing. Watch to see if the eye goop gets worse, if it does then bring her to the vet since the drops for it aren't OTC.

  10. She is so cute! She looks like there might be some Boxer in there somewhere. If you take her to her potty spot right when she wakes up and after she eats you might be able to train her easily. Good luck with her!

  11. She looks just like my dog when he was a puppy. He was around five pounds when I got him with the same coloring and floppy ears. His ears now stand straight up, and he looks like a dingo. No idea what he is, but he's awesome. Good luck!