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Well, folks, it’s been another overabundant year for the Fogle family. And no Christmas would be complete without me giddily hugging something shiny that belongs in my garage:
In past years, I’ve (not at all kidding) also hugged a router, an air compressor, and a miter saw (while in the box, of course) after opening these gifts on Christmas morning, but I think this new guy in particular has stolen my heart after learning just how useful hey can be in my hallway.
What can I say? I like ’em tall.
In other tool-related news, I also got the coffee maker I so desperately wanted, which means I’ll be much more chipper in my writing from this point forward. Or, at the very least, I’ll be awake enough to think of something funnier than what I was going to say before my second cup. And, bonus: I’ll be more alert when handling power tools next year, which was my original point, I think. Sorry, I haven’t actually hooked up the coffee maker yet, so sluggishness is still winning for the next day or two.
Speaking of coffee, my Christmas morning started off a little… warm. As soon as I arrived to Mom and Dad’s house, I poured myself a fresh cup and sat on the couch in the living room to relax in front of the TV. Charlie was still amped up from her arrival (she adores my parents), but what I didn’t expect was that she would take a flying leap over the couch I was sitting on to once again greet my mother with nuzzles and kisses (which she had already done twice that morning). The result, unfortunately, was a scalding hot splash on both my face and right shoulder. Ouch. Luckily, only my shoulder showed any signs of a burn after cleaning everything up, so we treated it with a little bit of lotion and continued on with an emergency-room-free holiday.
But anyway, back to the loot. My sister also gave me these little guys, which you longtime readers might recognize as ornaments from the same collection as most of the other ornaments on my tree (Old World Christmas). I’ve amassed a number of quirky ones over the last few years (a fire hydrant, an orange crab, and bundle of asparagus, to name a few), but the tool versions have been harder to find. There’s also a pipe wrench, chain saw, power saw, screwdriver… and even a glittery plunger.
I’ll spare you the full list, but I’m also happy to report a handmade scarf (also from my sister… super cozy) and a set of matching dishware for my kitchen. I’m officially a grown-up with plates and glasses that don’t have logos on them. Hooray, adulthood!
I hope you all had a wonderful time with family and friends these last few days, ate a ton of amazing food, and are just as excited as I am about the approach of a brand new year. I’ll be sharing some 2014 highlights in the next week and also preparing some not-yet-shared updates and photos from past projects, so be sure to check in later this week for that and more.
But first, coffee.
You make a good couple. Remember, just because starting a new relationship is as easy as falling off a ladder, it needs to be on a stable foundation. Tell him to keep his feet grounded in reality.
Fantastic advice. I’ll keep that in mind!
im so happy for your new ladder – and super jealous! We borrow that same ladder from our neighbor all the time! It’s the best!
And how in the world did you get 3 dogs to sit so perfectly and all look in the same direction for that adorable picture?! I love it when “grandparents” love their fur babies!
So. Many. Snaps. It took a lot of weird whistles and clicks by the entire family to get them all to pay attention.
Haha! I got Hubster a ladder for Christmas 2013, but I didn’t get such a great photo out of it. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
I got a shop vac for Christmas. I thought I was the only one who hugged gifts like this!
I think my dad is trying to stock my garage so I will stop “borrowing” his stuff.
Just wait, once you start getting the good stuff, there will come a day that he starts borrowing your tools. Trust me on this :)