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What’s that I see? Why, it’s my kitchen! This dark hole finally has task lighting!
I freely admit that I’m needy and require sufficient light to both cook and avoid burning myself. I know, gah, why must I be so nitpicky? Good cooks can do it blindfolded. Burns add character. And I shouldn’t keep spray paint next to the PAM, anyway.
My uncle (aka Super HandyMan) has become my enabler and has installed three new recessed lights and the new lighting fixture I picked up from IKEA.
The placement of the lights was an unexpected surprise. Because of my unwillingness to scrape the entire downstairs ceiling when holes are created (it would be difficult to re-create the pattern on the ceiling), the lights could only go so far in either direction from the original wires. But, it just so happens that the lights are right where I need them to be, and with the track light, I’m able to direct light to any other unlit areas.
Also, now that that the lights are up, the flooring installation can continue without Scott hitting a ladder behind him. Too many cooks in the kitchen, so-to-speak. Disregard the obvious mess on the floor and focus on the fact that it is a floor.
Don’t tell Scott, but I’m starting to love this kitchen. He still needs to be kept in the dark about it (wink) since he’ll now expect me to cook in here (no more “I don’t have enough light” excuse). But, I guess if I enjoy being in here, it won’t feel like such a chore… and I’ll stop putting dish soap on my pancakes.
If you missed it earlier this week, you can read here about the additional improvements (like the microwave over the range) we’ve been up to lately.
Yay for sufficient light! While we were moving in, the large flourescent light in our kitchen went out. We survived for several weeks with one very dim floor lamp. Oh, the days.
You guys are really making progress! Isn't it incredible how much of a difference new lights make?
I have finally finally found lighting for my kitchen, it's so great when you do, isn't it? I so sympathize with the dishsoap on the pancakes ;)