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We are nearly finished with our powder room redesign!

First, we removed what wasn’t working. In other words, everything.

Then, we went redneck and moved the pieces out to the front lawn, which promptly received a response from our county code enforcement agent. There were no complaints from our neighbors (we’d only had it out there for a day), but the agent politely asked that we move the trash to the backyard until we haul it away. We’ve since gotten rid of it.

Then, a layer of joint compound and primer went onto the walls, the flooring was installed, and a coat of primer was applied.

Next, the pedestal and sink basin were reinforced to the wall…

And the new toilet went in.

I haven’t yet found a light fixture I’m happy with, so we simply put the old light fixture back until we find one. I decided on a Martha Stewart paint called Gull which is a very pale gray with hints of green (you don’t see the green at all in the store, so it will depend on the light). I think some touches of warm wood-colored shelves and picture frames will create the calm and clean vibe I’m going for.

Up next comes the finishing touches:  a towel ring, a small rug, and artwork. Oh yeah, and we need to re-attach the moulding around the door frame and baseboards!

Linking here and there.

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