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Holiday decor has merely added another layer of uber business at the Ugg-duck.

This weekend, I:

-Made more progress on the staircase, which is so close to being finished! A few touch-ups here and there, and it will be ready for poly.

-Got all of the decor down from the attic. And yes, my legs and back are still a little sore from a second weekend of doing this after going up and down every other stair. I should probably just make a habit out of this so that my legs get more of a workout.

-Put up the trees on the sides of the front door (just like last year).

-Put up the tree.

-Began my Christmas mantel (which still needs a few things before it’s really “done”, so the real reveal will be coming soon).

-Got a termite inspection (everything is all clear; which was great news!).

-Began two other small Christmas crafts and created the Christmas dining room tablescape (again, more later).

-Got much, much further on the exterior trim thanks to my new awesome ladder (I am just as tired updating you that it’s not finished – maybe next weekend?). Giveaway still going on, so if you haven’t entered yet, be sure to do so, and for those that don’t win, there’s a discount available.

-Worked on peppermint flowers (more on that later).

-Took a few pictures of Charlie for this year’s Christmas card. She was not a fan of the costume.

Then, I took a long, deep nap.

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