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I don’t have a big DIY post for you today. Instead, just simple glimpses and Christmas closeups of the house as it’s still coming together for the holidays:

finished christmas tree
The tree is done!

We’re about a third of the way through this crazy month, and in between illness, gift shopping, lots of client work (blogs often try to refresh their looks as the new year approaches, so my design queue starts to fill up again), and all of the awesome social events that this time of year brings, I am feeling a bit mentally overwhelmed.

christmas mantel left

Of course, these events aren’t really for complaining about… it’s just that when things begin to pile up and my usual schedule goes out the window, I start to feel a sense of inadequacy and urgency to do all the things at once, which never really works out very well. And I then I have to remind myself to stop that shit.

christmas mantel right

Does that ever happen to you? It seems way too easy to overlook what’s done and see only what’s left unfinished.

christmas pillows and horse


So, I took a moment to slow down a bit this afternoon and just look around at all of the loveliness I was surrounded by for the first time in a long while. As per usual, nothing’s perfect. At the very least, Charlie sees to that (for instance, she stepped on my living room tree’s remote today and managed to turn on the flash setting… it looked like my tree was having a panic attack).

christmas room decor

But once I manage to take a quick breath, ignore that I have to vacuum the floor again, and let the twinkly awesomeness take over, it became plainly obvious that I’m exactly where I want to be. As long as I remember to slow down, I become grateful again. Even if that means the dining room doesn’t actually get decorated any more than my initial half-assed attempt at finding places for things I used to display on the mantel (the idea is still simmering… but I’ll figure it out later). After all, it’s in a dining room that I did a lot of work to (like adding picture frame molding, taking down wallpaper and patching walls, painting a vivid shade of blue, etc.), so a table centerpiece can wait its impatient turn.

dining room

And then, it makes me excited all over again for what’s coming next.

window casing

Wider shots of the living room are coming soon, but I am taking just a little extra time to make everything the way I want it. Perhaps I’m overcompensating for the last few years of having too much going on to celebrate (just today, Facebook reminded me of the graduation pics I took from ’13), but it’s making me happy nonetheless. And another cookie post coming Friday… have a good one!

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