I first saw my future guest bedroom in a tiny listing photo:

guest bedroom listing photo

When I moved in, I got started right away. Even my dear Granny was a huge help by taking down some of the wallpaper!

Granny helping take down wallpaper

After replacing the carpet and getting it to usable space (not pretty, but usable), I let it sit while I focused on all of the other rooms of the house that needed attention on the first floor, like the kitchen, dining room, and laundry room. It was basically a storage area until we cleaned it out in 2018.

guest bedroom before - right back corner
murphy bed wall before - guest room

Realizing this room might never be completed at the pace I was going, I decided to make it my next Dueling DIY candidate and challenged my friend Charlotte from At Charlotte’s House to help me find the motivation I needed. That began our battle, complete with a “before” video tour and mood board!

Guest Bedroom Mood Board

Just like that, I suddenly found inspiration and got to work. The room got new paint, picture ledges, and a Murphy bed!

me painting wall in guest bedroom

By having the bed fold up along the wall, it will help the room serve double duty for my boyfriend’s new office.

guest bedroom murphy bed

We have worked hard to turn our mockup for the Murphy bed built-ins into reality! I ran into a few hiccups with picking out the color and needing to switch gears to get the nursery completed, but it’s really coming together!

guest bedroom built-ins preview

I worked on adding a custom carved headboard, art, and new bedding to make this room cozy for guests. We’ve still got some work ahead of us, but I think this room is shaping up to be one of my favorites.

murphy bed nook reveal - exhale rust arch color block art and carved wood headboard with neutral bedding and rust coverlet

Highlighted Posts Worth Reading:

Don’t miss the guest bathroom too!

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