paper mache stars with gold leaf

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  1. Paint paper mache ornaments the same color as the foil you’re planning to use.
  2. Once dry, spray the ornament with spray glue
  3. Apply the goil foil in a single sheet, gently tapping and smoothing out the foil (be careful not to rip it).
  4. Add more foil to the uncovered edges.
  5. Repeat for the other side of the ornament
  6. Hang and enjoy!

25 DIYs of Christmas

This project is part of a series of DIY gifts, decor, and other fun inspiration that I’m calling my “25 DIYs of Christmas“! Check out the list below to see each post (step by step tutorials, recipes, videos, free patterns, and woodworking plans available for each (where applicable). Lots of these ideas have multiple versions to show you the possibilities of each DIY. Even better, you can subscribe to make sure you don’t miss a single post!

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